Saturday, February 19, 2011


Against my better judgment, I started to watch Q10. I didn't think I'd watch a Jdrama so soon after Tumbling raped my hopes and dreams, but there I was. I hoped that perhaps it would turn out like Kimi Wa Petto, or dare I even wish, My Boss My Hero. I just have to remember that nothing can be worse than Mendol Ikemen.
The narration starts out promising. It gave me a bit of hope for the series. The director of photography suddenly squashed that hope by using weird shots and even a fish eyed lens.

 I always wonder how a fish robot would see the world

The principle needs a good talking to in logic. If you find a dead girl in the trash, you don't take her to school and display her in the window for all to see.

 Nothing wrong with this picture

We soon find out that the main character is even more stupid and crazy than his principle. He has a weird fetish for touching girls' molars; he believes music will come out. 

 The dangers of children's toys

By some on coincidence the dead girl is actually a robot who's on switch is her molar. This must be fate! The robot girl ends up attatching herself to him. Instead of calling the police about a possible dangerous human-like robot. The principle decides to make the her a student at his school and put the perverted tooth kid in charge of her safety.

The wrest of the show is a blur of the hi-jinks the two get up to together. They also make friends

I ended up watching only a few episodes. All had really weird messages.
I learned that:
The dead Hooker in the dumpster may be worth something
Distracting rescue helicopters will lead to self actualization
It's okay to love inanimate objects

My final rating would be 1/2 a Mendol Ikemen. Remember the beginning where I said that nothing could be worse than mendol Ikemen? Well this somehow beat that show in weirdness.

Traditional Rating: *** (3 out of 10 stars)

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